The SCT Drum Coater is a standard vacuum system that may be used in a wide variety of sputtering applications. The system is a member of a new family of batch-type coaters that have been designed to take advanage of the unique characteristics of cryo pumping. The pump is side mounted with high conductance valving and a variable orifice plate coupled in an extremely compact manner. An example of this drum coater is the SS-24, which is described below.
The Chamber
The chamber is constructed of 304 Stainless Steel, 24″ in diameter and 19″ high. Sources are side mounted on Viton O-ring sealed flanges. Chamber sides are faceted allowing easy addition of feedthroughs as desired. A 4″ viewport is installed in the front of the chamber. The system bottom plate is easily removable, Viton O-ring sealed and is entirely useable for mounting tooling and accessories. The top plate is Viton O-ring sealed and is supported by a hydraulic hoist allowing ample vertical travel. The vertical axis drum substrate tooling is mounted from the top plate. Substrate carriers are easily removed from the drum for substrate load and unload.
The chamber is supported by a welded steel tube frame at a height that allows ease of operation and service. The pumping stack and all valving is enclosed but readily accessible for maintenance. A dual 19″ instrument rack allows the positioning of all controls for convenient operation.
Valves and Gauging
All valves are electropneumatically actuated and all actuators are bellows sealed. Viton O-rings are used for all static seals. A complete set of gauging ports and sensors are provided. Rough vacuum is sensed by two thermocouple gauges and high vacuum is measured using Bayard-Alpert gauges mounted in the chamber and the cryo pump. A metal sealed port is provided for the addition of the RGA of your choice.
Programmable Vacuum System Controller with Data Logging Capabilities
SCT provides a standard PLC industrial controller. This system includes ladder logic software with any custom programming for the SCT sputter system. The operator/engineer computer interface includes a touch screen display, HMI, and all required software programming. The control system also performs data logging of all key process variables.
All system wiring and workmanship conforms to OSHA and SEMI standards. Power wiring is conservative, fully interlocked and easy to service or modify. Actuator signal wiring is 24 volt or lower and all control logic uses industrial grade 12 volt signal levels of an exceptional degree of noise immunity.
Special Systems
SCT can add your choice of substrate carriers, spindle fixtures, sputter sources, power supplies and custom electronics. The SS-24 provides the standard base upon which to build a sputtering system capable of outstanding performance.
Standard Substrate Fixturing
Vertical Axis Drum with RF Bias/Etch Capability – 304 stainless steelcarriers. Easily removable for substrate loading. Adaptable for substrates up to 4″. Variable speed control and optional pro